Sing the world a little cleaner

If you haven’t had a chance, you may want to check out these other pages I’ve written with activities about recycling and composting: Composting 101 (what does it mean when something decomposes?) Kids, Compost, and Critters (how do you start a compost bin and what critters are helping the process?) Talkin’ Trash (activities about reducing trash and litter…

Composting 101

The topic of composting is huge, and a pretty great jumping off point for about a gazillion subtopics.  From composting you could easily move to exploring different types of soils, composting critters, vermicomposting (composting with worms), the benefits of organic gardening, or waste reduction/conservation.  I’ll eventually post activities  on all these topics, but for today I’ll start…

On all things rotten! (decay)

Composting is a huge topic, and one that I used to feel a bit overwhelmed by the thought of teaching.  But I’ve collected a bunch of hands-on, interactive activities to really help students visualize the processes at work. I feel that before you even talk about the compost pile, it’s best to provide some background lessons….

What’s under our feet?

It can be hard for students to really visualize what exists under their feet, inside the dirt.  To help students understand what the environment is like down there, students get a hands-on exploration and create a classroom mural. Materials: Enough dirt that each group of about 4 students has about a cup of dirt. 1…